Saturday, 11 February 2012

Quilled Thinking of You Card II

Love cards are very delicate matter, specially when love isn't love... ...but you will never know until you try :)
Well I tried to make something sweet but not persistent and here it is quilled thinking of you card... Again :P

Kartki milosne sa bardzo delikatna sprawa, zwlaszcza, jezeli milosc nie jest jeszcze miloscia... ...ale nigdy sie nie dowiesz, jezeli nie sprobujesz
Staram sie zrobic slodka ale nie nachalna karte i oto ona Mysle o Tobie...

Znowu :P

Copyright © 2012 szalonaisa


  1. Great ideea, looks very cute!!!I think it was a lot of work with this card. I like the view from the second photo!

  2. Interesting and almost strange -I recognize I don't have such patience.Anyway ,it 's a very original V-day card and I like it.
    all the best,aureliaeugenia

  3. Nic dodać, nic ująć:) Pomysł świetny, kartka - rewelacja!

  4. Oh yes Michela there was a lot of cutting and swirling :) but as Aureliaugenia said I have lot of patience :)

    Thank you!!

  5. Another adorable card from you , you have lot of patience and an unique style.

  6. Just love it, like always! The colors, the shapes, the background... You are fantastic!!!


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